

We have a mixed age group. This gives a great opportunity to learn and grow together, to cooperate and form a community. In this community every child is unique, and we help them unfold their personalities, to marvel at new things and to get to know the world surrounding us.

The topics are based on changes of nature, cognizing animals and plants, Hungarian holidays, tradition and folklore. We accentuate on teaching them about healthy lifestyle and diet, hygiene and exercise.

. We prepare kids for life and school by having conversations, talking about our feelings, showing them how to handle difficulties and misunderstandings. We explore the world, and in it ourselves.


Using quality commodities from local supplyers, we make homemade meals that children enjoy four times a day. We provide breakfast, snack at 10, lunch, and afternoon snack.


We keep your children fit and trained in our gym, garden and at a nearby playground.

Extra English

We believe in learning by doing it, so we provide extra arts and crafts activities in English.

Extra sports


in Gyarmati Dezső swimming pool nearby


in Slider ski school nearby in winter


once a week for kindergarten kids


once a week for kindergarten kids

Weekly routine


-- storytelling, poems, exercise


-- arts and crafts, chess


-- horseriding, gym activities, skiing in winter


-- learning about the world through action, walking in the area good weather provided, excursions, swimming


-- exercise and musical games.

Daily routine

7:30 :arrival, breakfast continously

9:15: musical exercise

9:30: activity of the day

10:00: snack time

10:30-12:00: free play, excursions

13:00:lunch, bathroom time

13.30 - 14.30 - - quiet time, individual development, school preparation

15:00 - 17:30 - afternoon snack, free play

In our daily schedule fixed points are: arrival, breakfast and lunch. In case you would like to take your child home after lunch please pick her/him up at 12:30. We cannnot give home children during quiet time to avoid disturbing other children.

Flexible opening hours: upon request we can provide trained staff supervision after 17:30

Support us with 1% of your tax

Thank you for your support !

Pán Péter Közhasznú Alapítvány
TAX number: 18108749-1-41


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